Tying Loose Ends: The Art of Manliness

Tying Loose Ends: The Art of Manliness
With the goal of finishing my incomplete thoughts from this past week, I'm writing the night away.

Part I: The Art of Manliness
Part II: Economics and Teaching
Part III: Spring Break Recap

This is the other part of "Cool Stuff from the Internet". There, I talked about Letters of Note, and said that I had another site I wanted to share. That foreshadowed gem is The Art of Manliness.

The subtitle on the site is Reviving the lost art of manliness, and before you start making wild guesses about what's on it, why not just explore?

Here are some random places to get started:

The idea here is not to perpetuate gender stereotypes or whatever, just use this, guys and girls, to be a classier and more useful person. It's usually well-written and well-intentioned; hope you like it!